March 2009 Babies
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Baby shower!

Blessed with baby #2
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Baby shower! Empty Baby shower!

Post  YoungMomToBe1991 Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:31 pm

I know I posted on this a while back, but we're getting closer and I was wondering how everything was moving along? Is anyone having a baby shower?? Mine's is scheduled for Feb. 8th... I am completely involved in it, too. I know I am not supposed to be, haha, but I am. I just got done the invitations a little while ago, it took me a while, and my back is killing me. My mom and I are almost done buying all the stuff for it. I was just curious if anyone else was going to have one??

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  alnaday Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:36 pm

one of mine is next Sat. I will post pic. they won’t tell me anything about it I just know the date, and place (which i wasn't supposed to know but a friend of mine spilled the beans) i don’t even know the time oh well. I can't wait. The other, I know nothing so you will find out when I find out.

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  daj72705 Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:38 pm

Mine is Feb 7th....and the only thing I know about is the invite list that I sent to my sister. I can't wait!


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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  LGTWifey Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:06 am

Mine is on Sunday...I will let you all know how it goes. I am guessing it will be small since this is my second little girl...

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  obxstefany Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:31 am

I have one on is a surprise. My Mom is throwing that one for family. She told me a week ago. I am SO excited. My friend is throwing another one Feb 7 for friends and DH's family is coming to that one. I am excited and can't wait. I will post pictures!!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  ldw1193 Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:46 am

I feel SO left out!! I'm not having a shower... that I now of. My SIL (that I LOVE very much) said something the other day that made me want to knock her head off but... She said well since this is your 3rd BOY... you really sure have everything for him. Well you dumb ass I had my last boy over 3 years ago and last year I gave all my stuff to the famiy that lost their house!!! ANYHOW... I remembered her of that, and she said well that wasn't very smart was it. I REALLY wanted to hit her then. At that point I didn't know when or if we would have another baby. Sorry she just makes me mad!! I really do love my SIL, she has put up with my brother for 8 years... LOL but she is SO about herself. She would rather sell her baby clothes then give them to goodwell or someone in need of them. I guess I am just to soft hearted and will help anyone out that needs it.
My dad and step mom are getting us some things and I have two aunts that have been asking us about what we need so I guess we will be taken care of but..... it is kind of nice to have a shower. DH said that maybe we can have a little get together after Caleb is born... to show him off and we won't have to travel... EVERYONE else will!!!!

Thank you for letting me vent... I have tons of things going on in my mind right now and that one was REALLY getting to me!!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  Jillian21180 Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:57 am

I really don't think that there will be a shower, if anything MAYBE i'll get a lil sprinkle, since this is our third, but it is our first girl!! I'm not too worried about it, I pretty much have the bigger stuff taken care of, Just no clothes I better get a move on, huhh??!!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  mrskizzee Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:03 am

I'm having one! Mine is on February 7th also. It seems most of us are having them on that date. Laughing My nursery theme is Dr. Seuss so that's the theme of the shower also. I know some of the details but not all. Its just weird for me, in my circle of friends I'm the party planner and I'm usually the one that throws baby's showers. So now that its one for me and I can't do any planning its kinda weird! But I'm soooo looking forward to it. I'm so blessed to have family & friends that love me and they are taking care of everything. Its also a couple's shower so there will be boys there too. I'll definitely post pics once I have them! I hope all you ladies enjoy your showers!!!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  PonyDoodleButt Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:51 am

Im having mine next saturday and like you Ive got my nose way up in it. My friend is helping me throw it but most of them are huge procrastinators and if I leave everything up to them nothing will get done at all. The thing Im having most trouble with is actually finding a rubber duckey for the cake...youde think of all things that would be the easy part but I cant find one any where! scratch confused

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  SarinasLilAddition Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:49 am

Mine's a LATE shower compared to everyone elses! Mine's March 8th - bunches of the babies on our board will already be here by then! Hopefully Aniras is not one of them, since I'm not due until the 24th!

The month of February weekends are PACKED for my family.. so it ended up in March.. which is A OK with me!!I dont know anything about it (mom & sister are throwing it) besides the date.. it should be a blast!

I can't wait & I can't wait to se everyone's pics of their showers!! Have fun ladies! I love you

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  MillerWifey Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:20 am

Mine (that my MIL is throwing for "her friends" and some of DHs family) will be Jan. 31st. I don't know anything else about it. I'm assuming there will be about 20 people there...not too bad.

I'm also REALLY hoping for a work shower....teachers tend to use registries and pool money to buy big items. So that would help a lot! We shall see...

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  SequoiaAutumn Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:02 am

I wont be getting a shower either. But its okay.. i expect that from my family who hasnt once asked me how i am feeling or what the gender of the baby is or even when im due. Oh well.. dh and I have had fun picking out stuff we wanted. I did make a registry just in case and after wards i can get stuff i still need for 10% off. Im okay with that. Smile

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  JeniDwy Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:53 am

I'm also having my shower Feb. 7! My mom and MIL are throwing it. I've helped my mom with the evite (she's not computer saavy) and have shot her ideas for games and stuff. I'm not sure what to expect. I'm a little nervous that there won't be enough favors or game prizes for the guests. I haven't been to too many showers though so I'm not sure what is the norm...

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  JenniVange Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:58 am

As far as I know my shower is on 2/21. So I still have a bit of a wait. I wish it was sooner since I'm having my C-section on 3/12 and it's just too close for my comfort but what can I do?

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  LGTWifey Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:26 am

MrsKizee - did you see that Pottery Barn Kids has all Dr. Suess stuff now, a whole bedding set and bathroom set, its ADORABLE.

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  kboogie Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:30 am

I am having a shower in NY (MIL is throwing it for DH's family and her friends) on Jan. 25th. Then my Boston girlfriends are throwing me one on Feb. 1- which will be a brunch then turn into a Superbowl party in the afternoon. I am mostly looking forward to the Boston one- because, even though I will get the most gifts in NY, I cant wait to have all my girlfriends together for the day hanging out. I feel so left out of things because I am preggo- not that they have been leaving me out- I just havent had the energy to hang out. Then, my mom is throwing me a Sip and See in Kansas City this summer- so all my family and family friends back home can meet Evie.

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  Blessed with baby #2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:52 am

My husbads work is throwing me a very small one on Feb 4th and a friend of mine is throwing me one on Feb 15th. I am very excited but I still feel that we will be buying the majority of the items with income tax money. There is still so much stuff that we don't have.
Blessed with baby #2
Blessed with baby #2

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  lisa_m Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:14 pm

Mine is either the first weekend or the last weekend in February. I guess I should start talking to the friend that's throwing it and get down to business. Since it's already 1/16, I'm guessing last weekend in February. Work is throwing me one on 2/20 - there are 3 of us expecting so it's a joint shower.


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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  armywife1203 Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:46 pm

My shower will be Jan 31st! We're doing an evening shower that way all my girlfriends can have a couple of cocktails if they'd like. I think they plan to do a signature drink like a blue martini or something. Too bad I can't join in that part of the festivites. It is going to be a small shower since most of my close friends and all of my family live in other states. However, my mom is going to fly out so I'm super excited to have her in town for the weekend. Poor DH, there's a UFC fight the night of my shower and it's Superbowl weekend but since my mom is going to be here he has to keep the partying toned down a bit. Oh well, he'll be fine. We've been buying stuff that I'm pretty sure I won't be getting at my shower and I've had so much fun finding bargains. Can't wait to hear about everyone's showers and see pics!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  Karen Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:55 pm

Like April, I won't be getting a shower either. I'll have to live vicariously thru all of you!

My mom & relatives only believe in throwing a shower for the first baby. I got lucky with #2, 3, and 4 because I worked at The Children's Place for those pg's. Since we're all about babies & kids there, my staff threw me showers for those babies. That was awesome! I haven't worked there in a year now, so that won't be happening again.

Oh well, I have been having a lot of fun buying new things for this baby! We are almost all done with our shopping, too. I'm going to finish up next week, with the exception of the swing. That I'll get after baby is born since I want a gender specific one. I got rid of most things after ds was done with them. This is actually the biggest gap between babies (almost 5 years), so I was hoping someone would hint at a shower.

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  aquaopal Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:06 pm

I will also be one of the few no having a shower.

I didn't have a shower for my first, nor this one.

With my first we had just moved to a new city and I did not know anyone. My sis was going to orchestrate a shower in my hometown, but I had to cancel because I was too sick to travel.

I guess I had a 'virtual' baby shower, because I got a crapload of stuff shipped to me from my registry.

This one, my friends keep asking me if I am going to have one, I lie and tell them I already had it in my hometown (I don't really like entertaining...that's just me though), and I have been working and taking classes fulltime, and have a 3 yo to keep up with. I really did not feel like organizing anything.

I *might* have one thrown by coworkers, but IDK. The party planner 'retired' herself from organizing anything and I doubt anyone would step up and take her place. We just had 3 different baby showers a few months apart for some drs here, i think she was 'baby showered' out and retired her position as party planner.

I won't be offended if I don't get one, but I do like free stuff...and have already been given a crapload of baby girl clothes from various sources.

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  dominicsmamma Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:33 pm

I will be having my shower on Feb. 7th as well. I am only having one shower with my family and friends and DH's family and friends, so it will probably be big. I am helping plan the shower only but I am not paying for anything, and only because there will be a lot of people (women and girls only). Since the shower is a large one (already 45 people RSVP not counting the girls) and they just mailed out the last 20 two days ago... so who knows but this is what was expected, so my sister, my mom, my mil, and my sil's are all doing their own thing for the shower. Did that make sense??? I made all of the invites only because I wanted them perfect and I love doing that, but my mom and sister are doing the decorations, centerpieces, and favors. My mil and one sil are doing all of the food, and my other sil is in charge of all of the games and prizes... there should be no problems this way. I have a friend that will be buying gift cards for the prizes too so sil won't have to spend too much.

This is #2 but DS will be 9 yo in June so I have nothing left at all except for two premie outfits and his first hospital gown that I kept... other than that I have nothing left from him. My sil has given me some of the larger items but I will most likely get some larger items at the shower. DH's work all pull money together and send one or two of the girls to buy and bring everything... last guys wife (3rd child) go all of the big items except for the crib, so we shall see. I do know that their bonuses have been cut back $1000's of dollars so that will make a difference so I don't really expect much, I will be happy with a months supply of diapers!!!

Oh well, I haven't been on in so long so sorry I talked so much!!! Laughing I can't wait to see pics of everyone's showers and I hope you all have a great time!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  YoungMomToBe1991 Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:19 pm

Yeah, I am completely involved... but not paying for anything. We are also expecting around 40 people, but we'll see. It's funny that most of us are having it around the same time... or most of you on Feb. 7th, and I am having mine on the 8th. I can't wait for pictures!

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  PonyDoodleButt Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:50 pm

Looks like everyone is having it on my bad candles have no place on a shower cake LOL or Ide be hoping to alot of baby showers Razz

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Baby shower! Empty Re: Baby shower!

Post  mrskizzee Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:24 am

LGTWifey wrote:MrsKizee - did you see that Pottery Barn Kids has all Dr. Suess stuff now, a whole bedding set and bathroom set, its ADORABLE.

YES I DID!!! Laughing And I registered for it as soon as I saw it...haha! I had no idea that doing a Dr. Seuss theme would be so hard. From the beginning of my pregnancy I had been looking EVERYWHERE for a nursery bedding set. No one sells it! I found a few on ebay but they were like $450-$500 which was wayyyy over what I want to pay. Then one day I was surfing the web looking for cribs and thought to myself Pottery Barn should have some and when I opened their home page lo and behold they have Dr. Seuss bedding!! I screamed and I was at work! lol!

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