March 2009 Babies
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so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery

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so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery Empty so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery

Post  Cheirogloss Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:41 pm

I have been laid up since Thursday with the worst cold of my life. All I have been taking is Tylenol for medical reasons and I am ready to go the way of Old Yeller. I can't breath, my head is killing me, I have diarrhea, my ears hurt...but its viral and the Dr. can't do anything for me. I have slept on the couch for the past 2 nights so that I can prop myself up and actually breath without suffocating in my own snot (t.m.i, sorry). I am not getting any worse, but I am not getting better either. This is literally the 4th solid day that I have been too sick to do anything. I called off work on Thurs and Fri and now I am worried that I will need to miss tomorrow too. I've tried steam, hot tea, soup with minor relief. I can't drink juice because it gives me heartburn. I can't believe how much I took cold medicine for granted, I really don't think I have ever been truely sick in my life because I always took medicine for colds. I miss cold medicine Sad

Posts : 98
Join date : 2008-09-27
Location : Raleigh, NC

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so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery Empty Re: so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery

Post  LGTWifey Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:03 pm

I feel your pain, the same thing happened to me with my DD...luckily (never thought I would say that) I got worse, it turned into Bronchitis and I was able to get some meds...AMEN.

Best advice I can give you is, REST REST REST and drink as many fluids as you can....

Hope you feel better SOON!!!

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Join date : 2008-09-28
Age : 45
Location : Richmond, VA

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so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery Empty Re: so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery

Post  SequoiaAutumn Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:30 pm

I too feel your pain. I am on 6 weeks of this allergy/cold thing. I called the doc.. he said allergy.. get over it. That was week 2. I started taking Sudafed. It helped but just covered the symptoms. I did tylenol for the head pressure. So finally after week 5 they gave me Flonaise sp? It is working! And they gave me Claritin. I am feeling so much better. Its not all gone but i can at least breath at night.

Hang in there.. i know it sucks!

Posts : 1435
Join date : 2008-09-24
Age : 48
Location : Athol, Massachusetts

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so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery Empty Re: so sick- wish DH would put me out of my misery

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