March 2009 Babies
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I'm sick: a pity me post :o(

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I'm sick: a pity me post  :o( Empty I'm sick: a pity me post :o(

Post  Karri_B Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:37 pm

some of this is pretty TMI, but I have to complain. DH is probably sick of me even though I haven't really been complaining. Just not doing any of my motherly or wifely duties.

I've had a nasty cough since, oh, wednesday night. It has gotten progressively worse. I can't sleep at night; I toss and turn and wake up coughing.

The cough has gotten so bad that I have to wear a pad because I pee myself if I cough too hard. I'm 30 weeks pregnant today, so that is to be expected. I just feel like an old woman who should be wearing depends.

On top of that, my head and neck hurts from coughing so hard. I will vomit if it gets too bad. i've vomited four or five times already today. It's a TOTAL purge of my stomach. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

I just wish I would be over this already. Thankfully, only three of five members of our family are sick. Austin and Natalie seem to be on the mend so I think I'll be better soon. I really hope Todd and Nathan stay healthy. I know I'm whining, but you KNOW how men are when they are sick.

Thankfully, if Todd DOES get sick, he doesn't go back to work until the 5th.

Last edited by Karri_B on Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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I'm sick: a pity me post  :o( Empty Re: I'm sick: a pity me post :o(

Post  LGTWifey Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:55 pm

I am sorry about the cough, sadly enough I know what you are going through, I had bronchitis while pregnant with my DD, and my DD has it now, her cough breaks my heart. If it doesn't get better, I would see a Dr, you don't want to suffer from Bronchitis while pregnant, it isn't fun Smile

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Post  daj72705 Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:58 pm

I have had several colds already and I use to never get sick before I got pregnant. I now sleep with a vaporizer at night. That has helped me with my coughing. I hope you feel better!


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Post  SarinasLilAddition Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:16 pm

Aww... I'm sorry you're feeling poopy. I hope you feel better soon!!! I love you

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Post  LGTWifey Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:25 pm

Yup, immunity goes down while pregnant, its a killer...

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Post  obxstefany Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:21 am

I have been fighting bronchitis for about 3 weeks now. I totally feel your pain. Everytime I it comes and let me tell ya..the poise pads work great. I have had one now for a while. It sucks. You can't sleep at night..the coughing drives ya nuts, etc. Hope you get feeling better soon.

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Post  Limedrop Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:58 am

2 things that might work is drinks lots of hot tea, the best is either peppermint tea since the mind helps to open up ur nose OR i also like regular hot tea with lots of lemon.. It will help to sooth your throught (sp sorry im horrible lol english is my 2nd language) especially before bed AND it will help clear the mucus which is whats making u cough (i had enough sinus infections in my life to know lol) and some vicks rub is always nice. Neither are a miracle cure but u will notice u feel better when u drink the hot tea, it really does help.. If it doesnt get better in a week i would go see a dr, coughing is usually from mucus dripping to the bk of your throat and into ur lungs so i would make sure u dont have a sinus infection. feel better!! Crying or Very sad Also keep a cup of tea in the kitchen for those nights u wake up coughing really bad so u can pop it in the microwave and drink it hot.. It will sooth u long enough to fall back asleep.

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Post  aquaopal Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:33 pm

I feel your pain.
I have been sick for the past two weeks...and have missed so much work that I used up all my PTO! (yikes!).

During Xmas I was still feeling sh*tty...then DH got it and had it worse than me...he spent Xmas day in bed because he had a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, body aches...the whole nine yards. I still have a runny nose and cough...but I feel a million times better than I did a week ago.

The coughing kept me up at night too. I had to go in a fetal position everytime I coughed because it would hurt my stomach so bad. My Mom called and would check up on me and she was so worried about the baby and how I was coughing in pain. But the baby is fine..Momma was suffering. The baby acted like she enjoyed the coughing spells...she would kick and flip like crazy whenever I would have a coughing fit.

The worst of it is over.

My Dr told me to take Robitussin DM and Sudafed for the stuffy nose. The sudafed worked but the robitussin did nothing for me.

Good luck and get well soon! Rest and drink plenty of fluids.

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