March 2009 Babies
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Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Blessed with baby #2
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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  dominicsmamma Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:51 pm

Well, I think most of you know but if not I have been in and out of the hospital due to early labor so I am now going to the Dr. every week to be checked. So, this morning I had a follow up appt to see how things went over the weekend and you know the first thing they do is take your blood pressure. Well, needless to say it was high 142/89 so they made me lay there and took it 3 more times before I left. I am still having about 8-10 contractions per hour even though I am on some pills to help reduce them. The pill starts waring off 30-45 minutes before I have to take the next pill (every 4 hours) and when this happens I am having contractions every 1-2 minutes. So, my Dr. decided that I need to start going for more testing so I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning to make sure my placenta is still attached and all of the details of my little girl. Then on Friday I have to go to the hospital to have another FFN. Then, he says well Kimberly I want you to get prepared we will be delivering her at least 1 month early unless things change so this will also mean that you will have to have an amnio within the next two weeks... I said WOW, what else are you going to tell me and then to expect my blood pressure to be okay... your funny!

This means that I will be having a Feb. baby now so I had to break the news to my Dad that he won't get a Grandaughter for his birthday. Oh well, I just wanted to give you all the update and I will keep everyone posted on the results from the tests I have done this week. Time for me to go lay back down in bed now. Sad

Last edited by dominicsmamma on Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update information)

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  dsdavin Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:25 pm

What a day you have had. Hang in there and rest as much as you can. Let us know how it is going and know that we are all thinking about you!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  LGTWifey Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:31 pm

Chin up, it sounds like your OB is keeping an eye on you and doing all the right things to ensure your little ones health. Try and relax and put those worries out of your head (much easier said than done I am sure). Keep us posted!!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  daj72705 Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:36 pm

I know you are probably tired of hearing this but get as much rest as you can! Keep us posted about the ultrasound. You get to see your little girl tomorrow morning, that's exciting! It does sound like you are in good hands and all the precautions necessary are being taken. We are thinking about you.


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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  o4seasmom Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:37 pm

Hang in there! Sounds like you are in good hands and the Drs are monitoring you well and keeping the baby's safety in mind also!! Keep us posted on how things progress!!


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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  JenniVange Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:37 pm

Good luck with all your tests ...I hope everything goes well and your little girl can hang in there a while longer.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  Blessed with baby #2 Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:51 pm

Wow that is a lot to take in all at once for you or anyone for that matter. I am sure I will have a February baby also. Well, I will be praying for you to hold out as long as possible. Keep us posted and let us know what happens tomorrow. I go back in tomorrow also and will be posting an update at that time.
Blessed with baby #2
Blessed with baby #2

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  SequoiaAutumn Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:08 pm

Im sorry to hear you got such bad news. Good news is your baby is still okay. Try to relax to keep your b/p down. Hugs! Do you have people around to help you out? Did you have the same issues with your son? Sounds like the doctors are doing everything they can. Be praying for you and your little girl.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  Karen Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:29 pm

Sorry to hear about the early delivery and all the tests you have to go thru in the meantime. At least you have a very proactive doctor keeping both you & the baby healthy. Keep us updated. I hope she can stay in there a few more weeks.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  SarinasLilAddition Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:43 pm

Wow! I'm glad you are in good hands and being monitored closely. Keep us posted & your chin up!!


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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  GSDmommy Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:03 pm

oh wow... I echo all the PP's and am wishing you and baby girl all the best. at least you get to see her again tomorrow... and it's good to know the doc is staying on top of developments the way that he is.

good luck and ((hugs!))

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  obxstefany Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:17 pm

Hang in there!! I know it is hard, but it is good to hear your doctor is taking such good care of the both of you and doing what needs to be done. Take care of yourself, rest and try to keep her in there as long as you can.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  alnaday Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:46 pm

please let us know what happens tomorrow. so sorry that things are not working out for you, your LO is a real trouble maker lol

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  dominicsmamma Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:54 pm

Today I went for my ultrasound and the tech was really nice and actually took the time to answer all of my questions. So, Makenzie is measuring a little small just about 4 lbs. and 14 1/2 inches long but she looks really healthy. Her head is down, cervix is thinning, placenta looks okay, and she has all her fingers and her toes. So, the tech showed me where and how she is laying and now I know why she wants to come out... my poor little girl has her head down, butt is on the left side, and her feet are on the right (in a pike position) and all of her is literally below my belly button Shocked I wanted to keep you all posted on what goes on these next couple of weeks, but even the tech said she won't be in much longer... hmmmm I don't know what made her say that but I will take her word for it.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  dsdavin Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:45 pm

You got some serious details today. How long before she makes an appearance? When are they saying?

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  SarinasLilAddition Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:53 am

Wow! Baby Makenzie is stuffed right in there, isn't she! Thank you for the update and I'm keeping you in my thoughts... Keep baking, Baby Girl!!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  LGTWifey Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:46 am

Glad that you got a healthy report on the little darling and sounds like you have a decided on a name...exciting!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  stair70 Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:51 am

Woo Hoo!!! Glad you had a good report!! Makenzie is a cute name. Continue to rest. Thanks for keeping us updated!!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  alnaday Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:52 pm

well I guess she thinks she is ready, and she put herself in the a good place to make her appearance. I just wish she will listen and stay put for a few more weeks. good luck on keeping that little impatient girl right where she is supposed to be.

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  mini*van*mama Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:06 pm

"Today I went for my ultrasound and the tech was really nice and actually took the time to answer all of my questions. So, Makenzie is measuring a little small just about 4 lbs. and 14 1/2 inches long but she looks really healthy."

Hey I went this week for an u/s and my little guy is 4lbs 13oz. We are just a couple days from each other so that is pretty good size. My guy was 72 percentile, so yours is right on track. Mine is just going to be a huge baby. Keep her baking for a little bit longer!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

Post  dominicsmamma Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:07 pm

Jamie, thank you it makes me feel a little more reassured!

Thank you ladies for all of the emotional support you give not only be but to everyone... it is so nice to know that I have, we all have friends all over the place!! I will continue to keep you all posted on my results from my exams! Oh yes, she moved today because her hiccups are on the right side instead of in the middle, so I think her whole body moved but she is still below the belly button. I will keep you posted!

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Dr. appt today, not good...  ***UPDATE*** Empty Re: Dr. appt today, not good... ***UPDATE***

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