March 2009 Babies
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Dr appt today

Mom to Boo-Rae
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Dr appt today Empty Dr appt today

Post  stair70 Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:48 am

Today I go to dr to talk about the mri results from my back. I already had mri in 2001 that showed 3 bulging disc, but after years more of being down in the back about once a year, they have gotton worse. I called to see if results were in on Friday and nurse said there was abnormal results so instead of wondering and worried all weekend I asked her to look in report to see if any rupture. She didnt see that but something about a tear in disk and root compression at L5. I will find out all details at 4 today. I dont know, they may send me to a surgeon for surgey with the tear and the compression. I know that if the nerve is compressed for too long it will die and whatever that nerve effects would be bad. Im slowly getting better. Since this effects my legs I still havent got to drive, I miss it. I havent drove a car since Dec 9 when I went in hospital. And to change my lo's diaper I have to have her come in bedroom and step on her step stool get on bed so I can stand and change her. I just want to be back to normal!! RANT RANT.. Sorry it became a story. Hoping for the best, I just need to feel less pain so I can exercise to get my back and stomach strong that is the only way to prevent this from happening so much. Thanks for listening ladies.

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  SequoiaAutumn Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:32 pm

Andrea I am so sorry your going through this. Before surgery please get another opinion from a really good chiropractor. I had a doctor tell me i needed surgery for a buldging disk and a tear. I went to the guy i see now and he has really done wonders. My story is... i had a huge car accident in '93 that caused me huge issues. The chiropractor had been my only relief. I didnt want to take pain meds. At the time i saw a different chiro. In '94 after logan was born, i bent over to pick up the vaccume and my back snapped. I got a rush in my head and passed out. It was aweful. I had a 9 week old and couldnt even get up off the floor. they put me on heavy drugs till the pain and movement got better. I had people coming to my house for a week, cooking and cleaning and helping with the kids. I went to the doct did mri and found buldge this and tear that. They said surgery. I took the results to the chiro and he fixed me.

I really hope that they can recommend something else for you rather then surgery. Hugs girl.. I have been in your shoes and it sucks!

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  JenniVange Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:46 pm

Good luck today Andrea.

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  Mom to Boo-Rae Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:47 pm

I was wondering about you last night and how you were feeling. I was going to post asking for an update on you today. Sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. That has got to suck! Hopefully they will have an answer to the problem.

Good Luck!

Mom to Boo-Rae

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  JenniVange Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:40 pm

Andrea--how did the appt go yesterday?

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  alnaday Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:41 pm

Andrea I'm so sorry I feel like you have been through so much, I really hope that can tell you something. but listen to April, my MIL had to have 2 surgery on her back and it is still messed up. so look into alternative to surgery if you can and use surgery as a last resort.

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  stair70 Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:27 pm

Well my dr got me a appt on feb. 6 to a orthopedic surgeon. She explained that one disc is frayed and flattened. That is will not get better with just strength training, that it will need surgery. And that the surgeon would prolly take care of the other one thats gotten worse over the years. I will have to see what this surgeon says to be for sure though. I just want to be better.

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Dr appt today Empty Re: Dr appt today

Post  armywife1203 Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:33 pm

Sorry to hear you've been suffering from back pain. I too have disc problems in the L4-L5 area steaming from a fall then subsequent accident were I was hit directly on the driver side by a drunk driver. I tried steroid injections, physical thearpy and a chiropractor but sadly none of these alternatives worked for me. I had back surgery Jan 2004 and I have had much improvement in my pain level and mobility. I'm not going to lie and say it completely fixed the problem as I still have days when my back and sciatic nerve cause me pain. If I stand too long my back and left leg still hurt but it's much more managable since I had my surgery. I haven't had to take any pain killers other then advil (when I'm not pregnant of course) since a few months after surgery. I agree with April, if you can find relief from alternative methods then by all means go that route. However, surgery can certainly be helpful. Good luck and keep us posted!

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Post  LGTWifey Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:14 pm

I too hope you can find relief from the pain...

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Post  obxstefany Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:40 pm

I am hoping you can find some relief Andrea. Wow...with everything going on, this is probably the last thing you wanted. I am with alot of the other ladies. If you can do alternative medicine, try it. Sometimes back surgery works and sometimes it don't. Both of my parents have had to do it, they have good days and bad days. Good luck to you hon. Take care of yourself.

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