March 2009 Babies
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I am officially in LABOR...

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty I am officially in LABOR...

Post  dominicsmamma Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:55 pm

This last weekend I was just not feeling good, real run down but still wanting to clean and no appetite and lower back pain. Well, Monday I started getting some cramping and it wasn't that bad so I just brushed it off. Tuesday, I was still getting the cramping and now I was breaking out in sweats everytime I would get a cramp so I called the DR. I left a message for him and he called me right back so when I saw the number come up I knew that it wasn't going to be good. He said get to L&D right away and I will call to let them know you are coming. So that is exactly what I do. They hook me up to all of the monitors and little Makenzie was going crazy and so were the contractions every 1-3 minutes... to think I couldn't really tell because they were mostly in my back. So they gave me a shot to slow them down and that didn't work so they gave me another one along with a shot to relax the muscles in my back hoping that would help. Well, I waited for another hour and still no change, but I am not dialating.... I can't dialate due to my medical issues down there so we are safe in that aspect. So, they ran some tests and I did have a fever and a slight trace of infection so then they gave me a medication for that. Well, I was monitored all night long with no change so they sent me home with the pills I now have to take every 4 hours and they make me feel like shit and this will go on until the DR decides to deliver. Sorry I left some out but it is the damn pill that I have to take it makes me dizzy, weak, and feel icky.

Don't take things too lightly because you never know.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  SequoiaAutumn Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:59 pm

WOW how scary! I cant believe they sent you home. Why not stay and be monitored? WOuldnt that be safer? Hang in there girl. I will be thinking of you tonight.. Keep us posted to keep us in the loop. Dont forget your buddy to call just in case so we know and are not sitting here worrying.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  dominicsmamma Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:03 pm

Thank you for your thoughts! I go to the Drs on Friday and at that time he will decide wether to have me stick it out at home or in a hospital bed. I have been on bedrest so it doesn't change much but I honestly don't want to be in the hospital only because I can't dialate so I don't have to worry too much just the discomfort of the contractions. I will keep you all posted or my buddy will.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  lisa_m Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:13 pm

Woah!! Take it easy and keeps us updated. We're all rooting for you and your bean!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  JenniVange Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:15 pm

Good luck!!!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  Karen Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:21 pm

Shocked Please keep us posted! I hope everything goes well and according to your ob's plan for you.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  JeniDwy Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:25 pm

Wow that sucks, I hope you get to stay in the comfort of your own home. Thanks for keeping us updated and I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  daj72705 Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:48 pm

Keeping you and your little one in my prayers. Try to relax and keep us posted.


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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  SarinasLilAddition Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:50 pm

Make sure you keep us posted, or at least keep your buddy posted!!

You're in my thoughts!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  armywife1203 Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:15 pm

I will keep you and your LO in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry you are going through this I just hope they keep a close on on the 2 of you. Continue to take it easy and please keep us posted.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  MillerWifey Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:42 pm

Rest rest rest! We'll be thinking of you and the baby!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  alnaday Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:58 pm

I second everyone rest, and keep us posted on what is going on. you definitely be in my thoughts, and prayers

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  o4seasmom Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:41 pm

How scary for you!!! Keep us posted and be sure to just rest and not do matter how bored you get!!!! Hang in there and know you are in our prayers.


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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  GAMommy Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:15 pm

Hang in there! I know how frustrating it can be. They put me on Brethine with DD at 34 weeks for the same thing. Just rest, rest, rest! Keep us posted!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  LGTWifey Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:08 pm

Holy rest rest, kick those feet up and give that little one a stern talking appearances yet...I will be keeping you and your little on in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  TechieMom Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:47 pm

I'm you're buddy, and based on your phone number, I think I live close to you. If you need me to bring something by, let me know, as I would be happy to help. You are in my thoughts. Please update us on your progress.


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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  obxstefany Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:37 am

Take it easy and REST. No more nesting for you!! You and LO are in our thoughts and prayers. Make sure you keep us informed as to what is going on with you. Good luck!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  rylan&babysmommy! Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:29 am

REST!!! I will be thinking about you and your little one!!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  mini*van*mama Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:05 pm

Oh I hope she stays in there a couple more weeks!!!!

I know I keep saying I want this baby out of me, but really if something happened right now I would freaking out. So lay on the sofa and let everybody be your slave tongue

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  Blessed with baby #2 Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:59 am

Please keep us posted. If you can just last a couple more weeks that would be great.
Blessed with baby #2
Blessed with baby #2

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  stair70 Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:33 am

Good luck at DR appt today. Hope you are feeling better. Continued prayers and toughts for you and lo.

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  dominicsmamma Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:02 pm

Well, I had to go back again last night due to extremely high blood pressure. I honestly have no idea what is causing everything to go crazy but I guess shit happens sometimes. So, my DR was actually at the hospital last night and saw that I was still having the contractions every 1-2 minutes but I am not dialating so he did the FFN test. The FFN for those of you who don't know is a test they can do which is like a PAP but they test your fluids down there for any type of sign that you will give birth within 2-3 weeks and that came back NEG!!! It is 95% accurate so he seems to feel that we will be okay for the next couple of weeks but I can't do anything at all not even drive anywhere. He also said that he doesn't want me to look at or deal with any money issues... nothing just relax and stay off my feet. I was supposed to go to the DR's today but he wants me to lay low over the weekend and come in first thing next week. So that is exactly what I am going to do. I also found out that have a real bad UTI, but we don't know how I got it. All I drink is water, my pee is almost clear because I drink so much and I don't have sex so what is it. So I am on antibiotics for that as well... I feel like a druggie right now but oh well I will do what I need to to keep her in! Oh yes, she is weighing approx. 4 lbs now and everything looks really good but we want to be safe and let her keep baking. I will update everyone throughout the weekend.

Also, you may not know you have anything wrong but these are some signs of preclampsia (they are watching me for this now); pain under right breast, nausea, dizzy, headaches, sweating especially your hands, and blurred vision. If you have any of these combined with eachother not just one, be sure to let your DR know.

Well ladies, I hope you are all doing well but I must go back and lay down now. I will have so much to catch up on when I am feeling a little better.

Shannon- thank you so much!!! I live in Buena Park so I am not that far from you at all and I will be having LO at St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton. I will be sure to keep you updated on everything, I have your number stored in my phone... I think but if not, I will!

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I am officially in LABOR... Empty Re: I am officially in LABOR...

Post  curls82 Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:34 pm

Just wanted to encourage you about the meds. I'm not sure which you're taking but I've been on Terbutaline every 4 hrs for the past 4 weeks. I went into the hospital w/ serious contractions as well, and they informed me that I was definitely in labor at 29 weeks. The meds didn't work at first so then came the shot. My contractions finally stopped but I was sent home on the Terbutaline and was told I'll have to take it till I deliver. It made me feel awful for the first few days. My hands would literally be shaking and I just felt super anxious and then came the awful headaches. But my Dr. warned me about all of that and said that once my body adjusted (after a couple of days) all of that would go away and it did! I'm going into my 5th week on bedrest and hospital visits but I don't notice the medicine at all anymore. So hopefully the same happens for you. I guess the medicine is working because I still have contractions every day but I'm not dialating. Hopefully it works for you too Smile

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