March 2009 Babies
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Jaime how are you feeling today

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  alnaday Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:44 pm

hey how are your doing today? better i hope

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Re: Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  mini*van*mama Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:56 pm

I feel a whole lot better.

I slept from 1:30-4:30 yesterday. Woke up and my kids were gone. As in not in the house. They were both sleeping with me so I was freaked. Turns out Jared came home from school and came in to check on me and I was tossing and turning and he got freaked and called my mom. My mom came and got the kids and took them home so I could rest. She had left a note on my night stand, that I just did not see. She said she woke me and told me to.

So after my 15 minute freak out I took a nice warm bath and just sat and enjoyed the quite. My headache was gone my body aches were gone. Got out and had a nice ice cream sundae dinner. Kids were gone so I could get away with it.

DH came home with kids about 7:30. I then started having contractions. Nice Braxton Hicks. So till I fell asleep around 11, I was in a lot of pain.

Woke up this morning and fell pretty good. I am going to be taking a nap in a bit though.

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Re: Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  alnaday Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:59 pm

happy to hear that you got some nice rest and that you are felling better.

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Re: Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  Karen Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:14 pm

Sorry you had a freak out time there. It is good, though, that Jared thought to call your mom to let her know what was going on. It sounds like her taking them for the afternoon/evening was just what you needed so you could rest. Glad you're feeling better today.

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Re: Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  LGTWifey Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:22 pm

I want an Ice Cream Dinner...that sounds like heaven. Maybe the kids are giving you the contractions - LOL Smile

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Jaime how are you feeling today Empty Re: Jaime how are you feeling today

Post  mini*van*mama Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:45 pm

Oh I am sure they have something to do with it. My Dr said stress can cause contractions, and I get them every night starting at homework time when Jared starts saying he is not doing it. So that makes me get all ticked off and start yelling and then the night goes to hell.

I am having one now though and there no kids around. However I can hear them being sneaky.

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Age : 43
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