March 2009 Babies
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UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups

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UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups Empty UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups

Post  kboogie Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:51 pm

Hey Ladies- This new forum offers us a really cool option of setting up UserGroups within the main board. So, if you in a special group like that- please let Admin (stephanie B.) know so she can create the group for you. Each group can have its own Mod. You can read more about this option in the FAQ section.

Posts : 415
Join date : 2008-09-24
Age : 48
Location : Boston, MA

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UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups Empty Awesome Maternal Age - 35+ user group set up

Post  GSDmommy Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:22 pm

OK, the AMA user group is set up and I am the moderator (am I the only AMA mommy on here so far?)... I know that people request to join the group, and the moderator accepts to let them join. Not sure yet how it works beyond that!

In any case, AMA mommies, please join and we'll figure out the details of how it works!! cheers

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Join date : 2008-09-24
Age : 55
Location : Iowa

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UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups Empty Re: UserGroups *Attn Secret Sisters, Daffodils and any other OBBC Groups

Post  Admin Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:51 pm

GDSmommy-I joined the group just to see if that would make the group come up on my list. Where are you finding your group? I know that I made it, I just can't find it! lol I'm trying to figure this stuff out with everyone else. Bare with me!

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-09-24
Age : 43
Location : Michigan

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