March 2009 Babies
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3D/4D Ultrasound :)

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  SarinasLilAddition Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:53 pm

I am the Mommy - To- Be to an extremely STUBBORN little Princess..

Her father tells me she takes after me.. haha.

Anyway... we went for the 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday, it was absolutely amazing. My princess is GORGEOUS.

But.. she decided that she wanted to have her head smooshed into my back the entire time. I tried drinking sugary/cold drinks, eating candy, walking, jumping (yeah what a sight that was..).. No luck, she wouldn't turn her face anymore. I've posted a couple of the good pics we got..

He still gave us the CD of the pics he was able to get.. AND he still gave us the DVD of the entire session - although there's not much to see on the DVD because she's a lil turd..hehe.

Luckily, we get to go back for FREE to try again, to see if she'll move her face this time. AND.. if she does not cooperate this next time, he'll give us our money back. So, even though it's a 3 hour drive, we are going to attempt it again in a week or so.. definitely worth it, because we'll only be out the gas money if she wants to continue to be Mommy's Lil Stubborn Mini Me..hehe.

So, here are the pics.. she's absolutely adorable. She may act just like me, but she looks just like her father.. hehehe.

My FAVORITE Picture we Got... she's so cozy and comfy in there
3D/4D Ultrasound :) IMAGES_2

Lil Turd is sticking her TONGUE OUT!!!! Saying "Ner Ner Ner Mommy & Daddy"
3D/4D Ultrasound :) IMAGES_1

Then this one CRACKS ME UP... she got so ticked off after I jumped and shook my belly (haha), she shoved her face ALL THE WAY INTO MY BACK! She looks like a little Monkey with those cheeks all poofed out.. This was when we gave up. She was MAD!
3D/4D Ultrasound :) IMAGES_9

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  GSDmommy Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:59 pm

oh my gosh, Sarina... I am lol'ing at the face-shoved-into-your-back shot... that is hilarious! I agree, you are going to have a pistol on your hands! but how cool you got to see her anyway... I hope she cooperates next time, or else she will never hear the end of it through all her years. ha ha

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  Karen Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:09 pm

Sorry to hear she was so uncooperative, hopefully next week will be better. You've got a good sense of humor about it all. You got a few cute pics, at least. I did lol at the monkey shot. We have a shot that my baby looks just like a puppy dog.

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  SequoiaAutumn Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:05 pm

awee thats too bad that she was face down. That happened with me a couple times with my last 2 pgs. I should dig out some pictures and post them. But at least you get to go back. Hopefully she will turn for ya.

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  GSDmommy Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:23 pm

Sarina, is she head-down and ready to go?

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  LGTWifey Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:38 pm

She really does look like a little monkey in the last one...its adorable!!!

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  daj72705 Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:41 pm

She is so cute! I am glad you got a few good pics of her. That is awesome that you can go back for free and if that doesnt work out then you get a refund. Hopefully she will cooperate next time. Good Luck.


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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  MillerWifey Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:43 pm

Yep definitely monkey-esque! Razz I think the last pic makes her ears look bigger than they are and then her chin/jaw is smushed down as she is hiding in your back...does she like bananas?? Too cute...but what a little stinker!

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3D/4D Ultrasound :) Empty Re: 3D/4D Ultrasound :)

Post  SarinasLilAddition Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:14 pm

Thanks ladies!

Yes, my Monkey Face is head down and ready for action.. but the guy said all she needed to do was TURN her face and it would have been the PERFECT position. So, that's what we're hopin' for next time. And if not, well, we've got at least a few cute monkey shots..hehehe.

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