March 2009 Babies
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feeling wierd again

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feeling wierd again Empty feeling wierd again

Post  becky123 Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:14 pm

So I dont know if its just being in the 3rd trimester or what but Im having an off day again today. I can't really explain it, I'm not sick and i'm not super tired but I just feel wierd. Like off..... IDK... even my boss was like, are you alright? Its not that im not alright its just that I cant explain what I feel!! I hate feeling this way I just want to go back and lie in my bed and wake up tomorrow and hope I felt as good as I did yesterday!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:19 pm

Aw, me too. It's got to be sleep issues, extra hormones, body changes...Luckily we're heading into the home stretch. Hang in there!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  SequoiaAutumn Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:37 pm

Its so hard to explain right?! I was just telling my neighbor the same thing. I told her that one hour i feel great.. but by the end of the day i feel tired and worn out and my belly is achey and my crotch hurts and just blah. Its the signs we are nearing the end. But still have several weeks of this to go!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  GSDmommy Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:56 pm

yes, this morning I had to sit down, short of breath, after doing nothing!!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  becky123 Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:16 pm

ahh will it ever end????

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  kboogie Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:32 pm

I think it might end the day you pop that baby out!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:27 pm

kboogie wrote:I think it might end the day you pop that baby out!

Very Happy I sure hope so!! Remember back in July when we were all getting our BFPs and how exciting that was?? I just thought about how I'll feel the next time the second pink line shows up, and I can't wait.

I know there are crazy and unpleasant things about pregnancy, but I'm really excited to have a baby. I can't believe how far we've come!

Sorry to get all sappy...I can't help it these days. alien

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  dsdavin Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:30 pm

We are almost there! Thank goodness I have all of you to through this and am not alone.

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  mini*van*mama Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:45 pm

I am having an off day today to. Just feeling blah and low key.

I really think I am going to take a nice warm shower and put some jammies on for the night. The time 4:45 Very Happy

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  obxstefany Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:15 pm

Feel kinda blah today too. My DH woke me up in the middle of the night because I was snoring (like he doesn't) and I couldn't get back to sleep. I wanted to kick his ass for interrupting my good sleep. Now...all day, I have been fighting the urge to nap!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  dsdavin Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:23 pm

I finally moved out of my room so I could get a good nights sleep. I have a twin size bed in the baby's room. My son, husband and dog were keeping me up all night long. Now I just get up to pee (every hour) but can get back to sleep pretty easily.

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  JeniDwy Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:08 pm

I've been feeling really "off" the last couple of days too. Anxiety, down, just general disenchantment I think. I'm ready to have my normal hormonal imbalance back LOL. 9 more weeks.

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  SarinasLilAddition Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:19 pm

I'm right there with you ladies. The third trimester symptoms have hit me like a ton of bricks. I am absolutely exhausted ALL of the time, my whole body aches, I have these "off days" like you gals are talkin' about... UGH.. dont get me wrong, I absolutely love being pregnant, and I love the fact that I'm baking my Bean... I just wish that some of the symptoms could lighten up just a weeee bit...hehe.

We're almost there!!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  EveD2009 Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:25 pm

Yup, I feel so pissy, like PMS but not at the same time lol. I feel super tired, and I'm not sleeping good, and I can cry at the drop of a hat. I feel just plain old yucky for the last 2 or 3 days. I don't want to do anything, but I don't want to lay around either. I'm really hard to please lol. Can't wait to meet our little man and get my waistline back! I've been feeling really sad about my body, and know that I still have to get bigger before I can work on it lol! 8 more weeks:) Hope all you ladies feel better soon. Take a bath and relax. And screw the dishes! Do em when you feel like it lol.

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:31 pm

I feel like a zombie today. I'm in a decent mood (I think) but I could just crawl under my desk and sleep all day -- or at least until my hips fall asleep and I have to pee! Smile

We're almost there...These tummy creatures are all coming soon, and then we'll have all new things to make us feel weird! alien

I know it's only Thursday, but I'm glad the weekend is in sight. I need some freedom to sleep when I'm tired. Sleep

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  SequoiaAutumn Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:50 pm

I didnt even read todays posts. I am soooo tired!!!!! Now that Grayson fell asleep.. Im off for a long nap ladies! Enjoy your day. I'll be back this evening. Suspect

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  daj72705 Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:54 pm

Overall I am doing ok. Last night was rough, I did a lot of tossing and turning. This week only a few tears. I am getting use to the cry at anything. Thankfully tomorrow is my last day at work!! I plan on doing a lot of sleeping, lol. I have about 6 weeks before Jake comes and I plan on not really having any kind of schedule. I want to enjoy my me time while I can which includes being very lazy, lol.


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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:08 pm

daj72705 wrote:Thankfully tomorrow is my last day at work!!

I'm so jealous!! I got so pissed at work Monday that DH and I ran the numbers and he was begging me to quit on Tuesday. By the time I woke up Tuesday, I had calmed down enough to realize the responsible thing for me to do was to keep working for another 8-9 weeks, but it is so tempting. Now I know that if they piss me off again, I can just quit on the spot. It would be nice to make another $10-20K between now and then, but not necessary. I think work is that much harder to deal with since I know I only have 42 work days left and then I'm not coming back. I have crazy senioritis!

Anyway, enjoy your time off and please take extra naps for the rest of us! Smile

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  daj72705 Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:14 pm

I hope to take lots of naps!!! Knowing me I will be too busy cleaning and getting stuff ready. I have a feeling the nesting will set in soon for me once I am home all the time.


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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  dsdavin Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:57 pm

Lisa~ You mentioned not going back to your job after you have the baby. What are your plans?

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:22 pm

I am going to be a stay-at-home. We both don't love the idea of daycare for a newborn, so we're going to budget and work it out. We both make good money and have a bunch in savings...but since I have the breasts for feeding, I get to stay home. Smile We'll reevaluate in a few years, but by then I'm guessing we'll have another little one. I'll eventually go back to work somewhere - I was thinking of teaching middle school math - but definitely not back to this job. My DH thinks I should quit soon to send a message, but we both realize that we could use the extra cash if I can keep my temper in check.

I can't wait...only 42 work days left!

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  LGTWifey Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:23 pm

You guys are going to want to kill me. I think it must be all my stress/nervous energy, but I am WIRED. Can't sleep and not tired. My DH has been falling asleep on the couch every night at 10pm and I am annoyd he isn't staying up to watch TV with me, total role reversal. I have also moved into a Guest Bedroom, our LARGE dog sleeps with us and was taking up more room than I would like, so I figured I would lose the battle and just got up and moved to the other room, but my BF is flying in for the weekend so she will get the Guest Room and I will be with my snoring DH and LARGE dog again for a few nights. Lets hope I don't want to kill them...

And on top of all this energy I haven't been achy at all, the two weeks around the Holidays were tough for me, but I have felt great the last two weeks, not sure what changed.

Lisa - what do you do for work now?

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  lisa_m Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:42 pm

I'm an actuary. I'm bad at describing it, but basically we're like accountants that look forward instead of backward. It's a risk analysis type job for a consulting firm, so everything is driven by billable hours and unreasonable client expectations. I'm in a weird transition position into management, but there doesn't seem to be anyone who remembers how hard the transition is, especially without anyone that's willing to help.

It's been fine for a few years, but it will be nice to not have to track every 15 minutes of my life for a while!

I love math and science, and have always wanted to teach. I ended up an actuary because it pays really well (and teaching usually doesn't). But since we're pretty comfortable now, it would be nice to do something that I think I will enjoy more. On the other hand, my DH taught college math for almost 8 years before he got fed up and came to work as an actuary. So we'll just switch roles and be glad our paths crossed when they did. Smile

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  becky123 Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:00 pm


DH thinks I should quit or at least go part time too, but I agree with the fact that we only have a few more weeks left and then no more working! Just taking care of the baby which will be much much more work, but so much more satisfying.

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feeling wierd again Empty Re: feeling wierd again

Post  MillerWifey Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:18 pm

Oh oh oh...I want to quit too! Can I...please?? bounce Unfortunately, that's a no. I teach...and it totally wouldn't be fair to my kiddos. I'm planning on working up until March 27th...the day before my due date. I may or may not actually have the baby by then...but I'm NOT working when I'm 41 weeks pregnant! THEN, I have to go back at the end of May for a couple of weeks. I'll have all of June and July to stay home with the kiddo...and then back to work next year. Crying or Very sad I'm really bummed about it. I was planning on staying home for at least the next couple of years...okay, I was hoping for 6! BUT, we have a house that we can't sell back in KS and had to evict our renters who didn't pay for like three months. SOO...since we have a $1400 mortgage...and no rent coming in...guess I'm working for another year. BOOO...HISS! Evil or Very Mad

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