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Looking at your registry

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Looking at your registry Empty Looking at your registry

Post  JenniVange Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:11 pm

So I took a peek at my registry today and saw that people have bought some things already...not much but my bouncer seat, the monitor and some little odds and ends. I'm so excited!! My shower won't be till February but it's nice that people are thinking of me already.

Anyone else take peeks at their registry??

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  kboogie Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:26 pm

i look at mine almost every day..but nobody has bought anything yet.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  SequoiaAutumn Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:41 pm

No body even knows mine exists. No one even has asked me if i need anything. They figure i must have everything. Oh well..we can just get what we need from the list after she is born because its 10% off whatever isnt purchased from Target.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  JenniVange Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:45 pm

I got a thing in the mail the other day from Target that offered a $50 gift card for starting a registry. I don't want anything from there and won't tell anyone I have one but you bet I'm getting that Target gift card! Very Happy

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  lisa_m Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:48 pm

No one knows we've registered yet, so nothing's been purchased. We didn't register for as much as I thought we would, so I'll have to beef it up before we let it slip that there is one. Smile

Of course, being as nosy as I am, I checked for everyone that I know is pregnant to snoop at theirs. Maybe other people will do the same and find it that way.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  dominicsmamma Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:00 pm

Speaking of registries, I registered this weekend at BRU and then went to Target the next day... I have to tell you, Target had some of the same exact items as BRU and they were much cheaper. The stroller alone was $52 less at Target and in my eyes with the economy the way it is, that is money that my family and friends could save. I know everyone was saying things about the return policy with Target, but did BRU let you know their return policy was changing January 1st??? I just found this out, but the lady doing the registry said any of you having your shower or LO after January 1st, you will need to make sure there is a gift receipt if you are going to exchange or return. So basically both places will do anything for you if there is a gift receipt and if there isn't, both places will do sxxx for you.. I just thought you would all want to know.

Sorry about the long post, but I figured we should all know what is going to happen just in case it wasn't stated to you.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  SarinasLilAddition Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:05 pm

dominicsmamma wrote:Speaking of registries, I registered this weekend at BRU and then went to Target the next day... I have to tell you, Target had some of the same exact items as BRU and they were much cheaper. The stroller alone was $52 less at Target and in my eyes with the economy the way it is, that is money that my family and friends could save.

I did the same exact thing - I started a registry at BRU, and realized Target had almost ALL of the same brands, WAYYYY cheaper. I transfered everything from my BRU registry to Target & just have WalMart & Target registries now.

As far as the return policy, anyone I've let know about the registries, I've told them about gift receipts.. hopefully they listen &

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  mini*van*mama Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:10 am

Target return's they can look from your list and scan it and the reciept will come up. It will tell you the purchase price and they take care of it. Very Happy

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  TechieMom Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:34 am

Target has some problems with their registry, though. We registered there for our wedding, and got four of one thing, and it was still showing up as not purchased! That was a painful return. But they do have really good prices, and everyone has one fairly nearby, while BRU can be a hike.


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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  LGTWifey Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:45 am

Ditto to the PP, Target isn't as good about scanning registeries when purchases are made, so you get duplicates and can't return them, because according to their records you have only received one.

Another thing to note, depending on your local Target, their inventory isn't consistent. I have tried to purchase gifts for friends off their registeries at Target and have had terrible luck, the selection is awful. Their online registry is great, but the actual store inventory is hit or miss, and for local friends and family I wanted to give them local options so they didn't have to pay for shipping and BRU was much much better about that. They have a much greater selection in the store than our Target does. Possibly its just our Target, but I have heard numerous people complaining about it.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  dominicsmamma Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:59 pm

Don't get me wrong, I still registered at BRU but mostly for the stuff that Target doesn't carry. BRU will have a better selection in most cases because that is what they are known for where as Target carries something for everyone. Also, every Target is different but most of the time they will carry most of the same larger items and the basics but their clothes are typically different depending on the area. I went into Target that most of my family and friends shop at because it is "NEW" and registered there but then came home and finished up online for those people that don't live nearby. Either way, I am not trying to say you shouldn't register at BRU, I am just saying that Target is less on most things and the return policy is changing at BRU so beware of that because the lady there said to save me a headache make sure people provide gift receipts.

Sarina, I would've loved to register at Walmart but they don't have a registry at ours and I think it is because its not the superstore. So, ours doesn't have that big of a selection of baby items but I have seen the ads that come to tease us with the baby department stuff at the "superstores" and WOW they have a lot!

Either way no matter where you register, just have fun doing it and make sure you don't leave anything out because that is an item that someone might have wanted to get for you.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  Blessed with baby #2 Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:30 pm

nothing yet Sad
Blessed with baby #2
Blessed with baby #2

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  MillerWifey Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:49 pm

So...very shortly after we registered, someone bought two things from our registry (a mobile and a bath tub). Problem is, I hadn't really told ANYONE about it at that time. So, I'm HOPING that someone was just really anxious to buy us things and found it...but I"m thinking maybe someone bought for someone else with the same name...ours is pretty common. I asked around and nobody seems to know of anyone who has bought us anything yet. I'm sort of confused and don't know if I should put them back on there as not purchased yet...because they ARE things we really need and I don't want to not get them because of some silly error.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  lisa_m Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:52 pm

I'd put them back on, just in case. The worst case is you'll have some things to return or exchange, but won't be stuck without either.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  GSDmommy Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:31 am

shoot, I guess I should get a registry going! I put my list of "big" stuff on BRU online ages ago, and haven't touched it since. and I changed my mind on that stuff, so need to change it.

hmm, wonder if DH will be up for a BRU visit today???

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  crystal82578 Sun Nov 23, 2008 5:58 pm

I finally sent out my registry today when my sister in law said what was taking me so long. I guess I am running a little behind. I already have a crib and a car seat.

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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  daj72705 Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:49 pm

I am very lucky that my sister has passed down to me tons of stuff. She gave me a stroller, car seat, pack n play, swing, baby boy clothes, toys, bathtub, bassinet, exersaucer and a walker. I haven't organized everything she has given us. We bought our crib and changing table a while back. Last night hubby and I went to BRU and we picked out our son's coming home outfit. Well actually 2 outfits so now I have to decide which he will wear. We also picked out a new stroller. Well I guess I should say my husband did. I was in tears from laughing so hard watching him pick out the stroller and he decided on the Jeep Liberty Limited Urban Terrain. This stroller is unreal. It even has a built in plug for an mp3 player and a built in speaker. Our infant carrier will fit right into it.

I have also registered with BRU for all the little things that we still need. I did my registry online since I have several friends/family from out of town. Now I just need to send it out to everyone!


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Looking at your registry Empty Re: Looking at your registry

Post  Ayana Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:11 am

with both target and bru you can update your registery online. i got a boppy pillow, im not sure where from so i went to bru and marked it as bought. so it shows as fullilled. i did the same thing with cloth diapers from target. so what i would do, when you decided what stuff you want to return check your list and make sure its marked off. if its not then do it and you can return it with out a recipet.

i have not checked mine in awhile. my shower invites just went in the mail. but i might have to can my shower. stupid bedrest


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